Additional Cheatcodes

A few new cheatcodes have been added to the existing Cheatcodes list to help within the ZKsync context,

Cheatcodes Interface

This is the extended Solidity interface for all ZKsync-specific cheatcodes present in Forge.

interface CheatCodesExt {
    /// Registers bytecodes for ZK-VM for transact/call and create instructions.
    function zkRegisterContract(
        string calldata name,
        bytes32 evmBytecodeHash,
        bytes calldata evmDeployedBytecode,
        bytes calldata evmBytecode,
        bytes32 zkBytecodeHash,
        bytes calldata zkDeployedBytecode
    ) external pure;

    /// Enables/Disables use ZK-VM for transact/call and create instructions.
    function zkVm(bool enable) external pure;

    /// When running in zkEVM context, skips the next CREATE or CALL, executing it on the EVM instead.
    /// All `CREATE`s executed within this skip will automatically have `CALL`s to their target addresses
    /// executed in the EVM and need not be marked with this cheatcode at every usage location.
    function zkVmSkip() external pure;

    /// Enables the use of a paymaster for the next transaction.
    function zkUsePaymaster(address paymaster, bytes calldata paymaster_input) external pure;

    /// Marks a given contract as a factory dependency only for the next CREATE or CALL operation
    function zkUseFactoryDep(string calldata name) external pure;



Refer to the forge-zksync-std section on accessing these cheatcodes in your tests.